You Serve No One By Hiding

By the time I graduated high school, I'd learned four languages.

And no one knew about it.

When I look back, I realize that I did that often…hid my true level of intelligence because I didn't want to be that kid.

That kid that never studied but got straight As.

That kid who knew all of the elements of the periodic table and their oxidation states.

That kid who wanted to learn more about the clouds and their systems rather than join the dance team or run track.

So, I kept what I knew to myself.

I'd say just enough not to stand out.

And I did that wherever I went.

I did it in college.

I did it at work.

I did it when I went out with friends.

I did it when networking with other professionals.

I did just enough to get by and fly underneath the radar.

I worked hard but operated in the shadows.

Did it serve me?


Did it help me reach my potential?

Still no.

It kept me grounded when I was meant to fly.

It wasn't until I had a conversation with Coach Alex Lin that it began…the deep dive into why I never shared my story or my accomplishments.

Truth is…you're not meant to blend in.

You're meant to be extraordinary. I'm not talking about extraordinary in the sense that you've had to climb Mount Everest twice or swam the Aegean Sea because you were bored one day.

I'm talking about extraordinary in the sense of being yourself in a world full of Snapchat filters and TikTok memes.

You're meant to stand apart from the crowds.

You're meant to walk in your truth and show the world who you are and can be.

It's the heroic things you do on a daily basis, like speak up for what's right even when the world tells you otherwise.

Let me tell you a story about a cell phone…

You're Kidding Right?

Back when I was working in corporate, I was invited to join a manager's meeting. They were going to discuss how to effectively implement and enforce a communications policy that stated cell phones were only to be used in certain areas and never at your desk.

While the DON'Ts of the cell phone policy were very clear, people weren't adhering to them. But, the problem was in HOW they wanted to enforce the rules (you'll see why in a minute).

With all of the managers sitting in the same room, some ideas for enforcement included…

  • Phones being taken at the start of the work day, put into a basket that's placed in a secured closet and when the employee was ready or needed to use the phone, they would simply ask their supervisor for access.

  • Phones being taken at the start of the work day, put into a basket and placed with each supervisor of that department where the employee would have to ask for permission to use their phone.

I couldn't believe they were actually considering these as options, but they were. The Head of HR looked around the room and then asked me to share my thoughts.

LOL, "Nope."

Of course I had thoughts. I always have thoughts, often a lot of them. But I did what I always did. I laughed off the audacity of their ridiculous suggestions, and kept my thoughts and intelligence to myself. I was hiding…again.

Except…this time, I couldn't.

The Head of HR asked me again, in a very soft way, and in a tone that suggested she was tired of the room's B.S.

So, I let out a loud sigh, closed my eyes, shook my head…and decided to step out of the shadows. At that moment, I decided I was no longer going to hide.

They were being ridiculous, so I read them their rights.

The Impact

The defining moment was when I understood that my words could make an impact. And they did. Because of my words, they nixed the old policy and created a new one…one where cell phones weren't taken, people were put on an honor system, and followed by appropriate and mature consequences if they were not followed.

I say this to say…

Your story…

Your words…

Your thoughts…

Your reasons to stay in the shadows…


Whatever your decision is for staying hidden, know that there's at least one person who could benefit from and be inspired by it.

How to Stop Hiding

Write out a list of accomplishments. Start with your earliest memory. Think about the things you were most proud of and when you were the happiest. If you can remember the date or year, that fine - but it's not necessary.

Then, once you have a list, start by sharing one story at a time with the understanding that if you can reach one person, you can make an impact.

Be unapologetic and excited…

Be truthful and transparent…

By relatable and fearless…

And stop hiding from yourself.

Questions to Consider

How does hiding show up in your life? Your business?
What one thing do you keep from others? What’s your reason for keeping it to yourself?

P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are a few ways I can help YOU grow YOUR business:

  1. Explore my email + group coaching membership program where small business owners learn how to balance the various demands of their life and passion for helping others.

  2. Visit the JSR Vision Academy where I share valuable and actionable content in the form of Masterclasses, ebooks, various downloads, group coaching, and more!

  3. Join The Uncomplicated CEO community where I do live trainings designed to help CEOs align their vision with simple systems and strategies.

  4. Listen to The Building Better Businesses Podcast. Here I share actionable tips and strategies you can use to become the CEO of your life and business.


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