What are you chasing?

For me…

It was never about the titles, money, or the grind.

It was about the adrenaline that came from working on something I was excited about.

The lack of rules that came with the creative freedom I had.

The decisions I made to not care about everyone else’s opinions.

The pursuit of curiosity and the unknown.

The challenge the opportunities gave me.

The reflection it afforded me.

The gift it gave me to live life on my terms.

When I say business ownership is a journey, that is what I mean.

You learn more about yourself in a moment of failure than in your 30 years working in corporate.

There’s a certain level of passion, drive and craziness needed when you carve out your own path.

It’s a life-long lesson and if you’re willing to tough it out…you get to reap all of its rewards.

What are you chasing and why?

P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are a few ways I can help YOU grow YOUR business:

  1. Explore my email + group coaching membership program where small business owners learn how to balance the various demands of their life and passion for helping others.

  2. Visit the JSR Vision Academy where I share valuable and actionable content in the form of Masterclasses, ebooks, various downloads, group coaching, and more!

  3. Join The Uncomplicated CEO community where I do live trainings designed to help CEOs align their vision with simple systems and strategies.

  4. Listen to The Building Better Businesses Podcast. Here I share actionable tips and strategies you can use to become the CEO of your life and business.


Why You Haven't Gotten To The Next Level In Your Business Yet


Are You A Tinkerer?