Are You A Tinkerer?

I am.

I like to play with and fix and figure out lots of things. I enjoy things that make me think and present a challenge. I love puzzles. Always have.

So, naturally, my journey has consisted of lots of different paths because my curiosity led the way. Because of that, it's been an adventure following the things that interest me.

But, being a tinkerer has its challenges.

I'm prone to want to improve things that don't really need my attention right now.

So, I'll create another program...or design a new thing...or redo my entire website without working on the revenue-building things that matter.

How many of you can relate to that?

It's taken some time to balance the things I want to work on and the things I should be working on in my business.

And that's because the things I should be working on to bring revenue in the door isn't always as fun as I'd like them to be.

It's getting knee-deep in your own mud.

It's getting dirt underneath your fingernails and paint in your hair.

It's the grunt work no one talks about.

And that's why many business owners decide to return to the working force after a few short unsuccessful years of running their business.

It's the grunt work.

There's nothing fun or adventurous or sexy about it.

If you want to run a successful business, there's no way around doing the necessary work. You're going to have to look at your reports, spreadsheets, metrics, revenue and systems. You're going to have to create guidelines, procedures and policies for your employees and contractors.

You're going to have to put in the work despite how you feel about it.

And that's one of the main reasons business fail. It's not the startup funds. It's the grunt work.

When you started your business, you started it to...

  • get your freedom back

  • make more money

  • share your thing with the world

  • help people

  • not work for someone else

  • spend more time with family or care for a loved one

But no one told you about the grunt work.

That grunt work is what causes the 10k or 15k months. It what causes businesses to organize, systematize and strategize.

It's how you run a successful business without you being there.

What are you tinkering with right now that you know isn't driving revenue?

P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are a few ways I can help YOU grow YOUR business:

  1. Explore my email + group coaching membership program where small business owners learn how to balance the various demands of their life and passion for helping others.

  2. Visit the JSR Vision Academy where I share valuable and actionable content in the form of Masterclasses, ebooks, various downloads, group coaching, and more!

  3. Join The Uncomplicated CEO community where I do live trainings designed to help CEOs align their vision with simple systems and strategies.

  4. Listen to The Building Better Businesses Podcast. Here I share actionable tips and strategies you can use to become the CEO of your life and business.


What are you chasing?


An Interview with Gary Preston, DataGration Consulting Group