Do you celebrate your business anniversary?

As small business owners and solo-preneurs, we tend to lose excitement as we move further into our work and become more established.

We easily get overwhelmed with all of the facets of being a business owner and soon forget the real reason we started.

Yet, I think it’s important to celebrate our beginnings—so we can remember the motivation behind the ambition, the feeling of being helpful to others, and even the obstacles and challenges we had to overcome.

For me, it’s a day of reflection and acknowledgement of growth. I remember the obstacles, challenges and reasons I started in the first place. It helps me remember my why and re-ignites my motivation as a business owner.

The decision to start—solidified with action and execution is always worth celebrating.

Do you celebrate your business anniversary? If so, how?

P.S. Whenever you're ready... here are a few ways I can help YOU grow YOUR business:

  1. Explore my email + group coaching membership program where small business owners learn how to balance the various demands of their life and passion for helping others.

  2. Visit the JSR Vision Academy where I share valuable and actionable content in the form of Masterclasses, ebooks, various downloads, group coaching, and more!

  3. Join The Uncomplicated CEO community where I do live trainings designed to help CEOs align their vision with simple systems and strategies.

  4. Listen to The Building Better Businesses Podcast. Here I share actionable tips and strategies you can use to become the CEO of your life and business.


An Interview with Ryan Stanley, Life and Self Leadership Coach


An Interview with Andy Schindling, The Complete Player Charity/TCP Youth Empowerment